Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Do I use sunscreen?

Here I am again, doing to coffee shop time, and Pelo Tony (a guy who rides a $10k bike and says he is just a recreational rider) comes in and asks me if I wear sunscreen. Even though I got the rusty top, I'm no Ginger Kid, but in fact a daywalker. And in fact, once I stopped racing years ago, I first did away that that silly computer thingy on my bars (although its back, bigger, geekier, and causing more of a number obsession than before (must be all the stats training, and teaching I've had and do)), then I decided that it was long sleeves or no sleeves. I was done with silly farmer tan lines. I guess it was bound to happen, being a Californian and all, that vanity would hit me so hard in my late thirties.

Anyway, tan lines and sunscreen. Apparently a local dermatologist gave Tony some high-end sunscreen, and he says that he does not wear sunscreen. Not that he uses a low spf factor, but none at all. He says this as though it is against his religion. Now, I have my vanity issues, but he must practice a strict Catholic doctrine like vanity. Church of California Middle Aged man. That said, he has a nice tan. And he does look immaculate on a bike (I’m okay with my masculinity to make comments about men’s looks).

So, I now possess some 57 spf Helioso suncreen by Neutrogena. 57 spf. If I put this stuff on, I will look like I have Gingervitis; then my poster boy moniker will be taken away. Better just use it on the ears and nose, so they don’t drop off later in life. Vanity.


Anonymous said...

From a member of good standing in the "church of the big ring" I say.....Skin cancer isn't pro.

30-40spf at nearly all times.


dr-nitro said...

I'll pass on the melanoma as well. And PeloTony is aquiring a nice leather look that I'd like to avoid. But again, I am afraid of being classified as a ginger, so a little color makes me feel good. And, I'll still leave the farmer's tan/cylist's t-shirt to the valley boys.

See ya in big boy race at b-hills, Sassy.

norcalcyclingnews.com said...

whatever white boy.

you need to post a pic o' yourself so she can see it.

she's all fascinated n' stuff.