Friday, June 22, 2007

Mad Props to the Young Up-and-Coming Punk

So I was looking at the pics that Marco posted of his blog of Nevada City, feeling like a chump for not blowing off grading and making the long drive up, and I see this local college kid in shots, right on Moniger's wheel. Then another shot of him leading Moniger's group down the hill an hour into the race.

This kid has dished me out some pain on the Tuesday ride, but what the F$%k? The week before he was a 3. So, in his first race after his cat 2 upgrade, he is trading blows with Disco kid Cruz, and BMgeezer Moniger. Arrogant little punk. Later shots show him absent, but the results are finally up and what do ya know, he held on for 6th (although they got his team affiliation wrong). Sixth at Nevada City, the first time trading blows in a prosies field. Hot damn.

So, it looks like when the kid comes back from his summer vacation, he'll be dishing out a lot more hurt, as he'll fo show be get'n a lot faster if he keeps this brash stuff up.

Kick ass, Jared. Keep it up.


Anonymous said...

Jared was the MA omnium winner for the WCCC this year. His team affiliation is actually right (now) - -he's riding for the WaterBoys.

Rand Miller (Page Mill, Stanford) who won the P/1/2 at Folsom was 2nd in the omnium only by a few points behind Jared.

Total young punks!

Anonymous said...

But, it just dawned on me, you probably already knew that being at cpslo!