Sunday, June 3, 2007

Flamme Rouge

The finish line is near, oh so near, and the sprinters are massing. Problem is, I'm not a sprinter. So, sitting here, grading, prepping, licking my wounds figuratively and literally (see below), I've got a strong urge to coast in.

Students, help me. Write good papers. However, what is under my nose varies a great deal in quality. Did not I not give good enough guidance and direction? Do they have Spring quarter blues? I have the affliction.

The lab the other day smelled of it. Students getting odd results that I now have to go back and check. I know what their data is supposed to produce, so how in the heck did they get their numbers? Time to write new labs, I guess. More hand holding?

500 meters

Three, maybe 3.5 lectures left. One exam to write, and more papers coming in on Friday and next Tuesday.

No podium, but crossing that line will lead to a much deserved break. Collect my thoughts, and attack it come fall.

1 comment:

Kimberly (aka. DrKim) said...

good luck pushing through the last couple days! I know the feeling, although since I'm not teaching this quarter, it doesn't quite feel the same.... :-)

The good thing about we never outgrow spring break and summer vacation!